十月 10, 2008




如果没有爆掉megaton,你会得到一个"豪华公寓"的钥匙,当然它不会有希尔顿酒店那么上等,但依旧是一个令人惊喜的狗窝.最开始房子的主要用途是你有个床可以随便睡觉:可以回复你的生命值并且得到一个"well rested"的临时状态,会提高你得到的经验值.你有一个机器人管家可以整理你的发型,它还顺便提供纯净水--野外商人那里卖很贵的回复道具.当你发财之后,你还可以用工作台和医疗电脑升级你的crib.另外我们还找到一个点唱机可以播放"战前"音乐,真牛逼.

megaton镇子上有个叫moira的店主打算出一系列的关于废土的Lonely Planet 手册...大家当然猜得到会是谁来做这个实地考察.moira基本上是个疯子,她要求的实地考察其实危险的不得了,不过基本上我们还是得照她说的做.她会不断提出一系列的任务,实际上是给你普及游戏的基本概念等等:最开始让你去探索雷区,然后让你去一个废弃很久的超市弄点食品,那里充满了袭击者.帮助moira是早期积累经验和物品的好办法,另外还会导致一些有趣的情况.....

7.Here's the story: Moira wanted us to research radiation poisoning by getting thoroughly crisped up. She set us a choice of two exposure levels - one dangerous, the other borderline lethal - and sent us on our merry way. We had previously noted that Megaton's water supply was less than crystal-clear, so we headed to the public toilets and started drinking from the sink. Each time we hit the A (we tested the Xbox 360 version) button, our vault-dweller took a sip and increased his level by one rad. Unfortunately we needed a minimum score of 200 to complete the quest, so it looked like this method was going to take ages. Then we had a brainwave: we started drinking from the toilet, which gave us a hefty dose of 18 rads per go. In no time at all we were critically irradiated, and trundled back to Moira to collect our reward. The chatty author was happy to heal us up - but then she informed us that we'd suffered "a teeny weeny mutation". As a result, we suddenly gained a perk that meant our crippled limbs would grow back if we exposed ourselves to a certain level of radiation. A mixed blessing, perhaps - but one that certainly made us laugh.

6.A Megaton resident named Lucy West asked us to check in on her family in a little settlement named Arefu. We weren't expecting much, but what we found made Megaton look like Las Vegas: Arefu is little more than a series of huts stacked on top of a ruined motorway flyover. Not only that, but someone had slaughtered the local Brahmin herd - the old man guarding the town almost blew our head off, he was so spooked. Oh, and one of the local residents had gone a bit loopy but her husband was too depressed to care. There's not much in the way of sightseeing, but the design and execution of Arefu is impressively bleak. It's these kinds of details that make you feel like you're really exploring a post-apocalyptic world. Thumbs up!


