八月 16, 2006

abandoned subdomain

今天我为了blogger beta而把我的发布转回blogspot之后,blogger却提示原先的二级域名已经被占用,我当时有点奇怪怎么会有人也脑袋进水想到那个算起来也是挺天怒人怨傻了吧唧的ssdwx,输入地址却发现占用那个域名的正是我自己. 根据blogger.com的官方帮助文件 ,当你把发布方式设为ftp的时候,你原先占用的blogspot subdomain会立刻被释放并允许所有人使用.

查阅faq未果,只好查帮助论坛,结果如下 :

If you've written in, than you should get an answer shortly to help with your situation.
However, just to clarify what happens, if you change your settings toFTP publishing, Blogger will release your Blog*Spot address for other people to take. Assuming no one snagged it as soon as it was released,your subdomain should have been available for you to reclaim when you changed back to Blog*Spot. But, since you did all this in a very short time span, it is possible Blogger had not yet recognized that the subdomain was "abandoned."
This is a case that would be best handled individually by The Blogger Team, so I would suggest working with them if you still haven't been able to reclaim your subdomain.
所以我只好操起我两年来没用过的英语写了一封无论语法拼写或者其他各个方面都足以使任何一个英语老师都潸然泪下的错误报告发给blogger team ,时间是8月16日下午5点,等待回复中......
