八月 30, 2005


自从eva的11张iso完成以来,除了b工的iso之外,很久没有挂机下载东西了。不过受月姬的激励,今天早上去上班的时候开着winny, flashget,bitcomet和emule,ny属于例行挂机,反正电脑开着就是打开的,flashget是黄昏草月上面放出的3张fate的镜像 和日站上前天hm舞的片断,bitcomet是月姬漫画,emule是买凶拍人和月箱。其中月姬的部分除了漫画,其他都是很久之前下到过但是后来认为没用 又删掉的,当初新鲜出炉下载到处都是,今次要重新下就变得十分麻烦,这也是我养成不删除文件习惯的原因之一。下午回来检查,flashget的任务计 2.5g全部完成,bitcomet的200m自然也是完成的,不过emule只搞定了买凶拍人,月箱只完成20%,还差800m左右。另外又追加了下 载,fable的4张cd iso大概2.3g,作为console game移植版,我是尽量不拉下的。晚上开机影响睡眠,明天继续吧。

另外附上一条daemon tools官网的更新,
increasing private messages to the daemon development team
Mon Aug 29, 2005 18:37

Dear community,
to whom it may concern:
we receive way too much private messages with questions like:
"when is V4 to be released"
"anything new on V4"
and my favorite one:
"can you send me the beta-version - I tell noone about it"

Members who send such stuff to us will now experience that we revoke their
personal message-capabilities. Also questions like
"you don't announced something new since ages" isn't helpfull.
In short: we test as fast as we can, found some bugs, fixed them and
start tests again. If we find no more bugs, I will mention it here!
DT Administration


it seems that our announcement provoked some of our members to
ask again for release dates per PRIVATE MESSAGE. To those I only
can answer: we need 2 hours/day to read that crap-emails and messages.

From now on, we will not answer anymore such emails. Private messages
which contain such questions will now be answered by a permanent ban,
otherwise we will never see a release
